“The meter here is either iamb… or twisted shit,” says Tahsim Durgun, a 28-year-old influencer, reading a comment on Tiktok on February 19, 2020. On that day, nine people with a migrant background were killed by a right-wing extremist in Hanau, Hesse.

How could this even happen? Durgun displays user Wolfgang's comment:

“It's not because of your looks, it's because you can't behave, you're guests in my country” (sic)

Wolfgang must have been very nervous when he wrote his comment, says Durgun. Otherwise, he wouldn't have made so many typos as a German presenter.

“That's how the whole thing looks fixed,” says Durgun, who is also a German and history teacher, pointing out all the commas involved. “[So haben wir] correct sentence from a shredded sewer rat with right-wing views!”

Chutzpah and harsh humor are Durgun's weapons against right-wing extremism

Another user who calls himself “Tannapfle8485” praises the murder of foreigners. “A little less dirt on the streets, karma,” he writes.

Here, Durgun is now admitting defeat. The far-right actually managed to write a sentence in proper German, including punctuation and capitalization. “Well done, Pineapple. But the same cannot be said for your cognitive abilities,” says Durgun. “You little bastard!”

Tiktokers take Durgun's chutzpah and insults well. He already has over 400,000 followers – and the trend is rising sharply.


The Federal Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth commemorates the victims of the racist attack on February 19, 2020 on its official website. The national commemorative campaign initiated by the Hanau Democracy Partnership can also be found there. It says:

“We must not forget the names of the people murdered in Hanau on February 19, 2020: Gökhan Gültekin, Sedat Gürbüz, Said Nesar Hashemi, Mercedes Kierpacz, Hamza Kurtović, Vili Viorel Păun, Fatih Saraçoğlu, Ferhat Unvar and Kaloyan. “

Durgun's viral Tiktok video can be seen as a contribution to this national commemorative campaign, which reaches many young people in Germany in particular.

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