Doug McMillon is the chief executive of the Walmart retail group. He started small, helping unload Walmart trucks for $6.50 an hour. He now earns more than 25 million dollars a year. So he knows what he's doing when it comes to making a career. He has now revealed three of his tips on the Stratechery podcast, as “Business Insider” reports.

“The next job won't come if you don't do the job you have well.”

One tip for moving up the career ladder: Don't take your current job for granted, McMillon says. “The next job won't come if you don't do the job you have well.”

It's also good for your career if you are a good teammate. “Treat them well, help them, help them do their jobs better,” he said.

The third piece of advice he gives is to volunteer for things. He himself did the same, for example offering to fill in for his boss when he was off duty.

A woman also commented on the race topic on TikTok. She shared her theory on why good employees don't get promoted. She said, among other things: “When you are down here, where the real work is done, … they will never allow an employee who is good at the job and good at it to have a smile on their face.” face to maintain while doing the work, climbing that ladder.”

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