On April 4, a little girl from North Yorkshire, England, performed a truly heroic act. A six-year-old child was playing outside alone when he noticed flames in a neighboring house, which spread to his family. Olivia Patterson's mother and two young siblings were still in the building at the time. It was immediately clear to the elementary school student that he had to rush to help and get into the burning house.

“Wake up, mother – wake up!”

While the fire spread through the house, the mother and siblings Tiffany (2) and Joel-James (1) slept together on the couch. “Wake up, mommy – wake up!” Olivia shouted as flames shot down the upper floor. As “The Times” reports, the entire family managed to escape the burning building unharmed thanks to the six-year-old's wake-up call.

Olivia's grandmother is 'absolutely proud'

As Sadie Gelder, the children's grandmother, later reported, the family had just managed to grab a small amount of their personal belongings: “They were able to get some clothes for the child, but everything else is gone.” of his eldest grandson, who risked his life to save his family.

“We're absolutely proud of her. We can't believe Olivia got Laura out – she's six years old and she ran into a burning building. She looked up and saw the fire up there…she was in the house at the time. It was the lack of cars in front of the Pattersons' driveway.

The possible cause of the fire is being clarified

The Patterson family lost almost all of their “possessions” in the fire. Grandma Sadie continued, “People donated beds, linens, towels, things like that. She should get another social housing, but the little things will help her rebuild everything.” The family is living in AirBnB until they find new accommodation. The cause of the fire is also still under investigation. According to media reports, Olivia's parents have already been informed that the fire may have been caused by a phone charger.

The original article “Girl (6) runs into burning house – and saves family's life” is from BUNTE.de.