EA brutal attack on a schoolgirl in Montpellier has shocked France. The prosecutor's office in Montpellier said that three people beat a student in front of his school on Tuesday afternoon. The seriously injured girl was now in a coma. A 14-year-old classmate has now confessed to hitting the girl. Two more youths aged 14 and 15 were detained.

Education Minister Nicole Belloubet said on BFMTV on Thursday: “There are no words to describe the shock we all felt.” A 13- or 14-year-old student experienced incredible violence. “This is completely inexcusable and despicable.”

The minister said he wanted to know everything about the months, weeks and hours before the attack. From Friday, an inter-ministerial supervisory body will conduct investigations at the college. President Emmanuel Macron also said that nothing justifies attacks by comrades. He expressed his solidarity with the girl and her family.

The mother of the attacked girl told BFMTV that the arrested classmate had targeted her daughter and bullied her. The school itself warned her on Tuesday that young people were waiting for her daughter in front of the school grounds and that she should pick her up. Despite her request, they did not wait for her to arrive and instead let her daughter leave school earlier.