Well attended: The AfD citizens' dialogue on Wednesday evening in the Schortens community center
Image: Victor Hedwig

AfD MPs invite you to a citizens' dialogue in Schortens, Lower Saxony. They talk about their party’s understanding of democracy and defend “remigration”. Our author listened.

DAfD member of the Bundestag Dirk Brandes joins in with a gag that goes down well with the audience: He has to say thank you that so many people found out about the “secret meeting” in Schortens today. The Bundestag member is alluding to the meeting between AfD people and right-wing extremists in Potsdam, which the party has been trying to downplay since it became known through the Correctiv research network. This was also the case this Wednesday evening in the small town of Schortens in Lower Saxony.

The AfD had invited people to a citizens' dialogue and sent two members of the Bundestag from Lower Saxony to the community center of the Frisian town of 20,000 inhabitants; In addition to Brandes, the parliamentary group's health policy spokesman, Martin Sichert, is taking part. A third MP became ill and had to cancel.