If Germany leaves the European Union and the euro zone, “it could lose around ten percent of its economic output,” the head of the IW Berlin office, Knut Bergmann, told the Rheinische Post. “That meant a loss of prosperity of between 400 and 500 billion euros a year, as a study on the real consequences of Brexit shows.” As an exporting country, Germany would be greatly affected by such a decision, “and the citizens too: 2.2 million.” Jobs would be threatened, Bergmann said.

AfD leader Alice Weidel recently raised the possibility of holding a referendum on Germany leaving the EU. A government led by her party would try to reform the EU and give more sovereignty to member states, she told the Financial Times. If this does not produce the desired result, she believes that a referendum on remaining in the EU should also be held in Germany, as happened in Britain in 2016.

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