Dhe Turkish President did not miss the opportunity to personally announce the maiden flight of the new Anka-3 stealth combat drone. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was the first to share a video of the flight at the end of December, writing on the X platform that the aircraft “with its advanced technology” would make a major contribution to the country's defense. The drone was developed by the state-owned arms company TUSAŞ. It is apparently powered by an engine from the Ukrainian manufacturer Ivchenko-Progress, with which Turkish defense companies have been working closely for years.

Friederike Böge

Political correspondent for Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan based in Ankara.

The German company Hensoldt supplies optical sensors, although not from German production, as emphasized at the headquarters in Taufkirchen. The sensors are “developed and manufactured by our subsidiary in South Africa and are subject to the export control regime there,” said a spokesman for the FAZ – a reference to the federal government's reluctance to export arms to Turkey.

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