Dhe author Marianne Williamson has dropped out of the US Democratic presidential race. “The time has come to suspend my candidacy for president,” said the 71-year-old challenger to President Joe Biden in a video published on the online platform Instagram. Although “the extent of our failure is clear to everyone,” there have also been successes.

The author of self-help books was considered to have no chance in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination from the start. In the first Democratic primary in January in the state of New Hampshire, she only received four percent of the vote, although Biden did not take part due to a dispute with regional party representatives.

Williamson got around two percent in the South Carolina primary and just under three percent in the Nevada primary last Tuesday. On Wednesday evening, the author gave up and wished on Instagram: “May love still prevail, in our hearts and in the world.”

Biden has no known challengers in the Democratic primary, although many Democrats believe the incumbent, at 81, is too old to run for president again. Everything is currently leading to a second duel between Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump in the presidential election in November.