IBES: Wicked tip against Oliver Pocher: 'I slept with all the women in the jungle camp'

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Attention, flood warning! On day 12 at the RTL jungle camp, the tears flowed freely. It could be emotional outside the camp as well. Tötensen's older gentleman might have blushed at all the evidence of sex. And in Cologne, Oliver Pocher may have been upset.

“Actually, the king has been chosen, it's just a matter of places.” – Jan Köppen wasn't quite wrong, as the first crowned camp hero actually left the jungle camp on Tuesday night during “I'm a star – get me out”. here!” ( RTL). Elder Heinz Hoenig was “for safety” Dr. Bob was taken out of the camp because he had health problems. As a gift, he received a jungle crown he had made himself from the others. There were words of sympathy – “What a champion, what a fighter” (Fabio Knez) , “the good spirit of the camp” (Mike Heiter) – and especially the tears of the young Twenty4tim, who cried bitterly when saying goodbye, despite Cora-Gate and Kim-Leyla-Beef, the emotional highlight so far.

But as soon as the farewell tears dried, the floodgates opened elsewhere. “We finally have running water in the jungle toilet,” Sonja Zietlow wryly cheered as Kim retreated to a quiet place in Virginia to cry. And after dinner it rained and rained around the fire: time to return home from loved ones. This time they just weren't nice…

Kim Virginia and Twenty4tim confess their sexual preferences to each other

What was? Oh yes, David Odonkor was gone. “Of all people, the person who advocated dressing had to be the first guy to take off,” Zietlow quipped after the former hitter. Although he suspected that he might have been “too honest” as a reason for being voted out, he took the audience's decision professionally. She cried painfully in the hotel room when she heard her daughter's letter. A man can have emotions. Unfortunately, he showed it too late.

But maybe it was a good thing that she, who had a hard time enduring Leyla Lahouar and Kim's scantily clad bums alone, wasn't around when Kim and Tim started talking openly about sex. First, they gave each other an update on where they had already had sex. Kim: In the swimming pool and also in the locker room. Tim: In his parents' marriage bed (“My mom will kill me if she hears this”). And then it really started with the topic “Stars we always wanted to have sex with”.

“He's already slept with every woman in camp, including the women from next season.”

“Dieter Bohlen!” Kim said immediately. Tim was also interested in the pop titan: “Does he just have money or does he also fuck hard? I have been wondering this for years! It definitely has a “You're My Heart, You're My Soul” feel to it and then the remix rumbles through. Bohlen, that sounds so powerful.

Tim liked it too: “I really want to have sex with Nazan Eckes once in my life. So beautiful!” TV presenter? Then Kim immediately thought of a colleague: “Jan, our moderator. I think it's cute. I like men with words.” Tim says, “I think he's handsome too, but I'd rather go out to dinner with him. The thought of having sex with Jan? Terrifying. Then I can never look at him again!”

Kim expressed interest in Oliver Pocher. “Unlikable at first, but why does he like all the rough chics?” Jan Köppen found that the “sound Mozart” (Bohlen) and Pocher's affection was exaggerated. Especially since: “He's already slept with every woman in camp — including the women from next season.”

At least Kim was able to admit to Tim that she had a thing with US musician The Weekend. Tim was stunned: “With the most famous person in the world? That's like saying I had sex with Taylor Swift!

“Don't go to a reality show, go to a Hollywood movie”

To their delight, Lucy Diakovska was sent to the jungle test. He faced the ordeal in a dingy hotel where suspicious residents (snakes, cockroaches, scorpions, crocodiles and spiders) sang “Oh, how beautiful it is” and bravely dug through the four stars from the scraps of meat.

At the same time, Kim and Leyla, her two companions, were enjoying themselves waiting to be at each other's throats again. Kim's line (“I told you how I felt and you pounced on it and stabbed me in the back”) was well known. The new thing was that Leyla could no longer be ironed like she was a few days ago. On the contrary: “You and your imaginary world,” he said, “don't go to a reality show, go to a Hollywood movie because you're very good at acting.”

Text messages open all the floodgates of tears

When Kim was quite speechless and fighting back tears, Leyla continued: “This acting. This is disgusting, disgusting behavior.” Kim was perplexed. First he stammered “Whoah, Whoah!” in monosyllables, then retreated to the jungle toilet to cry.

Kim's tears were not the last. After saying goodbye to Heinz, there was a lot of washing, including from the senior himself (“I'll miss you!”), the bonfire almost went out after dinner when the traditional messages of encouragement from home were read. Here Felix von Jascheroff was warmly greeted by his “little worm” (“Stay strong for us”), while there Fabio, the cuddliest vacuum cleaner representative, was pampered by his Darja (“For me you are already a king”). Lucy was built up by her dear friend (“You're a source of joy”), Leyla received “1000 kisses” from her grandmother, and Tim received the love of his parents, including his grandfather. And tears flowed like a stream everywhere.

“You are a doer. We call you Shaolin”

Not only pure love radiated two messages. Kim received jungle mail from her shaman, Angel. He sent them strength (“We are proud of you”) and poison arrows to others: “Let the dachshund and the snake do it behind your back, because that's where they belong: behind you!” A dachshund and a snake stood in for Leyla and Mike, and they looked very strange too.

But it didn't take long for their faces to turn happy. Because Mike got encouragement from his mother, who praised him explicitly for not letting himself “get down to Kim's level.” Things got even better when his friend Eugen's letter was read aloud: “You are a doer.” We call you Shaolin because you're so cool.” Highlight: “Go for it!” – “Go for it!” Mike: “That was aimed at Leyla.”

Is there still real sex in the jungle? Not so much for Kim. Anyway, he was lucky: if Heinz hadn't had to leave, he would have been kicked out.

This article “Evil tip against Oliver Pocher: 'Slept with all the women in the jungle camp'” was originally from Teleschau.

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