Former Bayern player Mehmet Scholl and sports commentator Marcel Reif expressed their concern about the series of injuries of the Munich team in the “Reif is live” program of the “Bild”. Both suspect there are major problems with the club's current approach, especially in delegating control of training.

According to Scholl, the reason could be the transfer of this task to the wrong hands: “Today, trainers delegate the area of ​​training management. And rightly so, Thomas Tuchel can't handle everything alone. The only question is whose hands you give it to and it seems like something is wrong,” says Scholl.

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Recalling the times when the famous team doctor Hans-Wilhelm Müller-Wohlfahrt influenced the intensity of training, Scholl continues: “He also said: 'Guys, you are overtraining and doing less with the players!' Or: 'We have to encourage the kids, they all come to me with heavy legs!'”

According to the former midfielder, this direct communication and individual adaptation seem to be lacking nowadays.

Marcel Reif also believes that it is necessary to urgently question the accumulation of injuries: “You cannot prevent injuries, but you have to think about the accumulation. There are rumors that the hybrid grass is too hard when stopping movements, in training all week and then in weekend games,” says the football expert.

For Reif, the tense personal situation cannot be a coincidence: “If you are eliminated from the Champions League because you have too many injuries, that is detrimental to the club. Something is not right. “Tuchel also says it is too much to be a coincidence.”

By Tim Schoster

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