The fact that many celebrities appear on Oliver Pochers and Alessandra Meyer-Wölden's podcast “The Pochers! Getting rid of “freshly recycled” fat is nothing new. Olli is known for his sharp tongue. But as “” reports, this time the podcast partner Sandy also got a little swipe.

Oliver Pocher makes fun of Alessandra Meyer-Wölden's Botox treatment

A few weeks ago, the mother-of-five admitted on a podcast episode with her ex-wife that she occasionally gets Botox treatments — and the comedian immediately followed up with a comment. Olli couldn't resist it in the current episode.

When he asks Sandy to read something, she has to take off her glasses first. Olli replied, “That's why I never sent you pictures of my dick.” Sandy has to laugh heartily at this slightly rude statement, and Olli immediately follows: “If you botoxed less, people might even laugh at you. Sandy also takes this nasty tip from his ex-wife with humor.

Alessandra Meyer-Wölden: “I know you don't like it at all”

That Olli is not a fan of Sandy's beauty procedures, he made it clear in the December podcast recording, where the topic first came up. “At a certain point, the question always arises, do you look like the hosts of social magazines. “If nothing moves at all,” he said critically. Olli's stance on Botox didn't go unnoticed by Sandy either. He immediately interjected, “I know you don't like it at all.”

This article “Botox mockery: Oliver Pocher jokes about ex-wife Alessandra Meyer-Wölden” is originally from