Darmstadt hosts Freiburg in the Bundesliga! Darmstadt is last in the table with 14 points and relegation is imminent. For Freiburg (36) it is still about international participation and a pleasant farewell for coach Christian Streich. The match from 3:30 p.m. on the live ticker

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The Bundesliga LIVE on DAZN

SV Darmstadt 98 – SC Freiburg

April 14, 2024 | 3:30 pm

Situation: Darmstadt is last in the table with 14 points and relegation is imminent. For Freiburg (36) it is still about international participation.

Statistics: While Freiburg wants coach Christian Streich's farewell tour to be a success, Darmstadt has been waiting for it for more than six months Bundesliga-Victory.

Personnel: In addition to the long-term injuries, Darmstadt has to do without Skarke, Manu and Nürnberger. The sports club has to do without Höler, sanctioned with a yellow card, and Röhl's commitment is questionable.

Particularity: In the only Bundesliga duel so far in Darmstadt, the Hessians won 3-0, that was in April 2017.
