The BBC fired an employee after anti-Semitic posts. British media report more cases at the station.

The BBC logo on a glass wall.

The BBC logo at the entrance to the station's London headquarters. Photo: Hollie Adams/Reuters

“The person in question is no longer our employee,” the BBC announced on Sunday about an employee who had shared anti-Semitic posts on Facebook. The broadcaster learned of his posts through complaints and reports in British newspapers.

Dawn Queva, a planner in BBC 3's television department, had spread anti-Semitic hate speech, Holocaust denial and Nazi comparisons on Facebook and Jewish relations with Palestine are the same as those of the Dutch with South Africa. Comparing Jews to sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein, she went on to claim that they were not only disgusting, but “professionals in the military use of sex and desire.” Both account X and Queva's Facebook account now appear to be suspended.

British media have reported further examples of anti-Semitic posts by BBC employees, particularly by people in the BBC's Arabic service. It is unclear how vehemently the BBC took action against her. A participant on the BBC television show “The Apprentice” also attracted attention with anti-Semitic posts on .

However, when all participants were reviewed before the start of the show, including social media, it did not appear that the person had been noticed beforehand.

No information on individual cases

The BBC said it could not provide information on individual cases. Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or any other abuse would not be tolerated. Violations of the rules of conduct when dealing with social media would be taken very seriously and, if necessary, would always be appropriately sanctioned.

Britain's independent parliamentary commissioner for antisemitism, Lord John Mann, told taz that the BBC and other news bodies and journalists must show impartiality and are responsible for ensuring their reporting is impartial. Both the board and the BBC director appointed by the prime minister could be held responsible. In addition, there are parliamentary committees and he himself is in regular contact with the BBC and other media outlets, Mann said.

A spokeswoman for the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) said racist conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial such as Queva's posts, which she called atrocious, should find no place on public broadcasting. Barely a week went by without the BBC discovering new cases. The BBC must finally take tougher action against antisemitism.