In 2015, Cathy (36) and Mats Hummels (35) started a family and gave themselves. the word yes. The relationship broke down in 2021 and they made it public in 2022. This was preceded by months of rumors. The Hummels divorced before Christmas 2022. Neither of them spoke about the reasons for the separation. Cathy made statements about her feelings in some interviews, but did not speak in depth about the end of their relationship. Until now. In a new podcast, “Bumblebees and Fishes”, which she runs together with her sister Vanessa, she now talks about a sad scene after the birth of her son Ludwig (6).

Cathy Hummels criticizes the treatment her ex-husband received after giving birth

“What I regret is that I let a lot of the things he said affect me too much,” Cathy says, unusually open. “I let myself be destroyed by that.” Vanessa shares the impression that Mats often used the wrong tone. “I know you were pregnant and after giving birth you had, what every woman has, a stomach problem after pregnancy,” Cathy's sister said. “I remember you asking him if he was okay, if he was okay, and he actually gave him a thumbs up in the middle.”

Mats then emphasized that he simply wanted to be honest with his wife. However, the words hurt Cathy at that moment. Cathy continued: “Then you feel ugly and unwanted. If you then get the feeling that your husband doesn't think you're beautiful, then things get even deeper.”

At another point in the conversation, Cathy says something about the final months of her marriage: “I just don't want to experience that in my life again the way it ended. “I don't want that anymore.” That's why she has been with Mats several times. WhatsApp blocked. Mats Hummels has not yet commented on the accusations in his ex-wife's podcast.
