German solar products are typically more expensive than comparable products from China. This is due to higher labor costs and the strict regulations that German manufacturers must comply with. In terms of price, it is not possible to keep up with mass-produced products in the Far East. On the contrary, German solar products are of higher quality and meet all necessary standards. However, this is not the case when it comes to counterfeit products.

German manufacturer becomes target of counterfeiters: differences are difficult to recognize

Bauer Solar GmbH was a victim of such fraud. An unknown Chinese manufacturer duplicated the company's solar panels and shipped them to Germany. During customs controls, the shipment not certified with the Bauer brand was detected and the authorities confiscated it, Solarserver reports. The solar energy manufacturer Selzen is currently taking legal action against counterfeiters.

The affected modules are Bauer's 420 watt Glass-Glass modules. From the outside you can see only subtle differences in the packaging design. They may not be obvious at first glance. The way of securing transportation also differs from the original. Bauer's original glass-glass modules typically feature additional wood reinforcement at the bottom of each pallet. with the fake ones
Photovoltaic modules lack this.

Security risks in case of counterfeits: there are severe penalties for buying and selling

The German solar manufacturer emphasizes that the seized products were not manufactured by Bauer Solar. That makes it a copy. The main problem with these solar modules is that they have not passed any quality control according to German standards. Without the appropriate certifications, the security of the modules cannot be guaranteed. There is also uncertainty about longevity.

When purchasing such a duplicate, not only the manufacturers, but also Buyers who aid and abet product counterfeiting and piracy may also be prosecuted.. Even if merchants are not aware of the counterfeit when purchasing it, they should expect appropriate sanctions. These range from a fine to five years in prison. Bauer Solar asks consumers, merchants and installation companies to immediately report counterfeit products. Particularly low prices are a possible identifying sign of duplicates.

By Sofia Haberkorn

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