The American news service Bloomberg paints a gloomy picture of the state of the German economy in a detailed article titled “Germany's days as an industrial superpower are numbered.”

The authors write that “the cornerstones of the German industrial apparatus fell like dominoes.” The United States has moved away, China is no longer an “insatiable buyer of German industrial products” and cheap natural gas from Russia is no longer such, according to the inventory.

“Political paralysis in Berlin is exacerbating national problems”

And this remains difficult: “Political paralysis in Berlin aggravates national problems,” says Bloomberg. The station lists these national problems:

  • ruined infrastructure
  • aging workforce
  • bureaucratic chaos
  • inadequate educational system

“It is not clear how to stop the decline”

According to Bloomberg, the reforms have stalled. And further: “It is not clear how the decline can be stopped.” Even if Germany still has “a lot of substance” and an “enviable number of smaller and fewer manufacturers”, examples of the decline are numerous. According to Bloomberg, companies were on their knees and production in Germany was declining.

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