Cheese sausage, schnitzel, kebab: Darts stars reveal their favorite German dishes and praise Deutsche Bahn

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German cuisine is very popular on Media Day before the Darts 2024 Premier League match in Berlin. While Deutsche Bahn is mentioned positively, Peter Wright only has question marks on his face in “130 Retired from the Kitchen” and a lot of humor.

I got the bad news in advance: not all players will be there for Media Day Mercedes-Create Benz Arena. Nathan Aspinall and Michael Smith arrive in Berlin late at night. However, the other six players are available for interviews.

Michael van Gerwen arrives first and sneaks up. As PDC media chief Dave Allen explains to reporters that “Mighty Mike” will be there in a few minutes, his voice can suddenly be heard from the entrance to the dressing room that has been converted into a press room. “Are you talking about me?” he asks innocently, but immediately smiles.

After a brief change of clothes during which “MVG” puts on his characteristic green t-shirt, he is available to answer any questions. And “everyone” really means everyone. “The bigger the better,” she says when asked about the size of her preferred gaming room. He just doesn't have time next weekend: Dad MVG is going to Disneyland with the family.

“One or two?” Van Gerwen makes a kebab joke at Littler's expense

But there's one thing you're unlikely to get: a cheese sausage. When I ask van Gerwen about his favorite German food, following the rumor that Luke Littler ate a kebab after a match at the World Cup of Darts, he smiles at first. “One or two?” he asks, referring to Littler, and laughs. Then he thinks for a moment. “I like sausage and cheese, but not after a game.”

The interviews with Luke Humphries and the Zoom call with Luke Littler are scheduled to run in parallel; He chose the younger of the two Lukes. But technical problems at the airport postponed the interview. “The Nuke” will only be available for an evening call when it lands in Berlin.

Reading tip:'I bought too many': Luke Littler reveals what he spent his World Cup prize money on

What Gerwyn Price likes about Germany is “that the trains arrive on time”

Gerwyn Price is now on the starting blocks. It's impressive when suddenly the muscular giant is in front of you. But “Ice Man” is not at all cool, but rather a very nice guy.

Insiders even call him “the nicest guy on tour,” but fans on TV often experience him differently. “They only know part of me,” Price says, noting that he wants to do his best work on stage. “Anyone who meets me in person will see what Gerwyn Price is really like.” He spoke and smiled in a friendly manner.

The Welshman also expressed praise that no one would have expected. When asked about the things he likes about Germany, he mentions a few things, including kebab, when he is not on a diet like he is currently. And then he comes: “I also like the trains to be on time; I’m not used to that in the UK.” Please that?

When it is pointed out that many people here also complain about late trains, Price merely shrugs his shoulders. “Every time I was here, everything was perfect. Sure, sometimes there is a delay of a few minutes, but at home it is usually several hours.” This could cost Deutsche Bahn like oil.

“I can't help it”: Darts star Cross is a big fan of schnitzel

A little later, Rob Cross enters the cabin. He first chats with the PDC media director and jokes; the atmosphere relaxes immediately.

In the conversation, Cross says he is a big Germany fan and also praises his first opponent on Thursday, Luke Littler. “He is very good at this sport,” says the 2018 world champion. For Cross it is also completely normal that the fans in Berlin want to see his opponent win. His prescription: “I just have to comply.”

Would he then reward himself with a schnitzel? In any case, he admits to being a great fan of schnitzel. “I really like schnitzel. I just can't get over it. That too Breakfast here it is very good, also significantly healthier than In England. But my favorite is the schnitzel.” When I ask Cross for a selfie, he immediately joins in and wishes me a good evening – a completely normal guy, this “Voltage”.

Too old for “Snakebite”? “Then I'll do the constrictor.”

Then there is the loudest bird of all: . He is already wearing the shirt, but his wife Joanne, who also accompanies “Snakebite” during the interview, still needs to do her hair.

Could you be too old for this look? “Then I'll do the bull snake,” Wright jokes, then praises his wife. “Of course, you can get too old for it, but right now Joanne is doing a great job.”

Otherwise, Wright is extremely relaxed, even though he's been awake since four in the morning (“I couldn't sleep all night”). There is only one point where he is completely lost: 130 from the kitchen.

Dazn commentator Elmar Paulke created the most famous meme of the Darts World Cup in Germany when he reported on a visit to the Wrights, who live in England. “And then Peter Wright pulled 130 out of the kitchen,” Paulke told the camera: a new classic was born.

When it comes to “130 from the Kitchen,” Peter Wright has no idea what I'm talking about.

But of all people, the lead actor has never heard of it. “What's that?” “Snakebite” asks when questioned and needing an explanation. He remembers Paulke's visit (“By the way, our birthday is the same day, I almost forgot”), but not the scene.

But he also takes it with humor. “Unfortunately I don't know the meme. But apparently I behaved very well,” the Scot smiles. He also likes German cuisine, but he can only remember it with Joanne's help (“What do we always eat in Germany?”). “Ah, German doner kebabs. “They are really good.”

Unfortunately, I don't know if Peter Wright treated himself to a kebab later, nor do I know the answer to the question of whether Gerwyn Price would arrive by train on Thursday. I can definitely confirm that darts players are not only great guys on stage, but also fun and approachable in person.
