Since 2016, TV legend Frank Elstner (81), known as “Wetten,dass..?” founder, diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Despite this challenge, she remains positive and active, and her family gives her a lot of strength and support. Especially his youngest daughter Enya (26) is very close to her father and, according to “”, spent Easter with him in Baden-Baden.

Daughter Enya enjoys father Frank's well-being

Enya Elstner, who took her first steps in front of the camera at the age of 11, started her singing career under the stage name enya el and released two singles. Her biggest supporter is her father Frank, who proudly watches her musical achievements and also attends her performances. “I really like listening to Enya's songs. There is something special about her voice and her songs make me strong.” Frank Elstner even has his daughter's music recorded on his cell phone and visits her regularly in Berlin.

After Frank Elstner went public with his Parkinson's disease in 2019, he was often asked about his health. As his daughter Enya reveals, he is doing well: “My father is doing great, he is in great shape,” the singer told “”. Father Frank motivates the whole family “to go on long walks and excursions.”

Frank Elstner keeps fit with this therapy

“Wetten, dass…?” the founder keeps fit with special whole body therapy, regularly plays table tennis and boxing. The former TV and radio host also continues to travel with his family. A new TV project is also reportedly in the works, so Frank Elstner may soon be active again in front of or behind the camera.

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