Department stores are disappearing: Germans rarely shop there – FOCUS online

The department store crisis: Department stores are disappearing: Germans rarely go shopping there

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A Statista survey shows that Germans rarely go shopping in department stores. The figures show that department stores are gradually disappearing.

Statista proves it: department stores are disappearing

Large department store chains such as Galeria Kaufhof close, jobs in department stores are eliminated and branches are purchased. As the 2023 figures show, Germans rarely go shopping in department stores.

  • Statista surveyed more than 23,000 people about their purchasing behavior. Fair 4.3 percent of Germans visit department stores once a week or more.
  • In 11.9 percent Shopping at a department store or department store is on the agenda once or several times a month.
  • The popularity of department stores can no longer keep up with the competition. Clothing stores, hardware stores and garden centers are ahead of large chains such as Galerie Kaufhof, Breuninger or Karstadt.
  • The most popular are shopping centers: shop here 10 percent the Germans once a week, 22.5 percent Visit shopping centers once or several times a month.

Whats Next? This is how we react to the death of department stores

Vacancies, the death of the city center, the end of the era of the “department store”: what will happen next and how are cities reacting to the situation?

  • Demolition and conversion: The building complexes, mostly from the 1960s, are neither modern nor attractive. Any renovation must be carefully considered and planned, including the concept.
  • In many places a mix of industries is desired because pure department stores are obsolete. In the future, the buildings could not only be used for shopping, but also in combination with public institutions or art and culture. It's all in the mix.
  • Quick Fixes: Since neighboring businesses also suffer when the property remains vacant for a longer period of time, you must react quickly. For example, with temporary exhibitions and an attractive cultural offer.

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