Different rules apply to electric bicycles than to conventional bicycles. This also applies to the place of use.

Among electric bicycles There are partially motorized S-Pedelecs (S stands for speed) that can reach speeds of up to 45 kilometers per hour (km/h). However, due to their performance, it is not allowed to drive them everywhere.

Electric bicycles: that makes a difference

This technical feature is particularly important to distinguish between motor-mounted electric bikes because it determines whether you can drive your vehicle anywhere. At first, it doesn't matter whether the electric bike has a speed of 25 km/h or 45 km/h.

What matters is whether the e-bike motor has more than 250 watts, as Utopia explains. Then inspection of the moped, insurance number and helmet are mandatory. Therefore, an S-Pedelec with more than 250 watts cannot be driven on cycle paths or in pedestrian areas. With one exception: if the sign says “Moped free”, powerful mopeds can also be ridden there.

By the way: According to the traffic regulations (StVO), these regulations must be taken into account, especially in built-up areas. Because article 2, section 4 of the StVO states: Outside built-up areas, cycle paths can be used with mopeds and electric bicycles.

That's how expensive it can be

Penalties for improper handling of an electric bicycle with the corresponding motor power may vary depending on the violation. Initially, possible fines range between 10 euros and 55 euros. But it can also be more expensive.

Fines for selected e-bikes:

crime Fine/penalty
Driving without the insurance plate correctly placed (insurance exists) 10 euros
Driving without a valid insurance license plate (expired or not contracted insurance) €40
Driving without a helmet 15 euros
Driving without a moped license or car license (forgotten or similar) 10 euros
Ride on the bike path 15 euros
Driving on the sidewalk €55

Any person who drives under the influence of alcohol or without a driver's license is committing a criminal offense or an administrative offense. In such cases, daily rates of 180 to 365 days should be expected, as Mobility-Talk explains.

Sources: Utopia, dejure, Mobility-Talk

By Dana Neumann