According to consistent reports, Premier League clubs will vote on whether to abolish video testing for next season. As reported on Wednesday by, among others, “The Athletic” magazine and the broadcaster Sky Sports, the vote will take place at a meeting of the English elite league on June 6. Consequently, it has English The first division football team Wolverhampton Wanderers submitted the corresponding application. For them to be successful, 13 of the remaining 19 clubs must also vote in favor of abolition, British news agency PA reported.

Video evidence has been used in the Premier League for five years

Video evidence (VAR) has been used in the Premier League since the 2019/20 season. as in the Bundesliga In England there has also been harsh criticism for years.

The move comes after careful consideration and with the utmost respect for the Premier League, the PGMOL referee panel and the other clubs, the Daily Telegraph newspaper quotes a statement from Wolves: “There is no fault, we are all just trying our best. to achieve the best possible. outcome for football, and everyone involved has worked hard to make the introduction of additional technology a success. However, after five seasons with VAR in the Premier League, it is time for a constructive and critical debate about its future.”

Therefore, the club stressed that the price “for a small increase in precision” contradicted the spirit of the game. Confirmed Premier League members would discuss video evidence. At the same time, he emphasized that he supports the effort and is working with PGMOL on continuous improvements for the benefit of the game and the fans.