France's nuclear deterrent strategy: A Dassault Rafale fighter jet equipped with missiles
Image: Picture Alliance

The nuclear forces of France and Great Britain also contribute to the security of NATO countries. In light of Trump's recent comments, we should continue to think about this element of European security. A guest post.

DThe turning point in German security policy has now lasted two years. It is becoming increasingly clear that the era after the end of the East-West conflict, which, with its security policy decisions, was the basis for Germany's security, stability and prosperity, is irrevocably over. One thing must be clear to us: There is no way back to the security policy path of the past 30 years.

This represents a turning point for our financial policy. The “peace dividend” of the past was used to expand the welfare state in particular. We are now at the beginning of the era of “investment in freedom”, which is why a change of direction is necessary. In order to secure the capabilities for national and alliance defense with two percent of our annual economic output after the end of the special program for the Bundeswehr, which was guaranteed in the Basic Law, a significant financing effort will be necessary from 2028 at the latest.