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Serbia: For the first time since Serbia has its own national team, the team will participate in the final tournament of the European Championship. The Serbs are against England The outsiders have been in good shape lately. Coach Stojkovic's team defeated in the last test of the Euro Cup Sweden with 3:0. Vlahovic of Juventus Turin and Mitrovic, who now earns his money in Saudi Arabia, are strong attackers. England has to be careful with them.

England: The Three Lions, without a title for 58 years, arrive at the tournament as one of the top favorites, despite poor preparation. Hopes are pinned on Champions League winner Bellingham and Bayern star Kane, who leads the team as captain. Unlike previous years, head coach Southgate made a brave nomination this time. Experienced players such as Henderson and Sterling were not taken into account, and Maguire is not included either.