Anyone who receives two tickets for a single violation will probably be surprised. Is that possible? A court ruling provides clarifications.

Anyone who violates one or two rules in public is committing at least one administrative violation and should expect consequences. This has always been true for road traffic in all its facets. Fines many times they are imposed. A special case recently came to court: the verdict was very clear.

Exciting court case on double the fine

Can someone receive a double fine for the same violation? This issue was the subject of a court case in December, as the law firm WBS.LEGAL writes. After a few days, the plaintiff received two fines for the same crime: the first in Hamburg and the second in Travemünde on the Baltic Sea.

The plaintiff considered this circumstance to be unfair. In his opinion, it was necessary to protect it from further sanctions, at least as long as the Hamburg decision was not legally binding. The interested party therefore lodged a complaint with the Lübeck Court of First Instance, but to no avail.

It's also good to know: The sentence can increase very quickly if you are not careful or simply misbehave. This behavior may result in a higher fine.

Verdict: two fines for one violation are legal

Specifically, the plaintiff was accused of driving with a TÜV sticker that had expired eight months ago. As decided by the Lübeck AG on December 1, 2023, a second fine may be imposed.

The argument: otherwise there would be a risk that the violation would simply continue unhindered and unpunished after the first warning. However, this would clearly contradict the legislator's intention to systematically prosecute such administrative infractions. However, the ruling should not yet be legally binding. But if you want to be safe, you need to make sure you fix the problem after the first ticket.


By Woon Mo Sung

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