Ingo flamingo, the facility's oldest resident, according to Berlin Zoo, has died. “Ingo the flamingo has died of old age at the impressive age of 75,” the zoo said on Instagram on Wednesday. “The pink flamingo has lived in Berlin since 1955 – it's a true legend!”

According to the tag on the ring on Ingo's foot, the animal was born in Cairo on June 23, 1948, it said.

What exactly the date has to do with, and whether Ingo actually hatched on that day, cannot be determined with absolute certainty. However, the zoo considered this to be proof of his minimum age. Flamingos live an average of about 30 years in the wild. In 2014, the oldest living flamingo, the 83-year-old Greater Greater, was euthanized at the Adelaide Zoo in Australia due to serious age-related problems. The bird has lived in the zoo since 1933.

According to its own information, the Berlin Zoo was the first in Germany to receive Chilean flamingo and greater flamingo cubs from the early to mid-1960s. According to the zoo, Ingo also had offspring, but no record was kept of the baby flamingos.