Behind the federal president, the federal chancellor and the national coach, the Bayern coach practically occupies the fourth highest position in the country. But as Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Olaf Scholz and even Julian Nagelsmann refuse to slow down in their careers, they are being investigated. FC Bayern We are still looking for a man to succeed Thomas Tuchel, who will in turn succeed Nagelsmann in 2023, although Nagelsmann now does not want to succeed Tuchel and Tuchel no longer wants to stay. Oh, football – always good for laughs and non-fiction stories.

Nagelsmann extended his mandate as national coach and, as Xabi Alonso is Bavarian, but belongs to Bayer Leverkusener, things are gradually tightening up in the Munich coaching list. Which names follow (or appear), out of conviction, shame or fatalism: that is one of the most exciting questions about the dethroned teacher.

Emery, Rangnick, Schmidt? Rumors about Flick and Hoeneß

Unai Emery (Aston Villa), Ralf Rangnick (Austria national coach) and Roberto De Zerbi (Brighton & Hove Albion) were or are options discussed internally. While the information situation of Zinédine Zidane (no club, does not speak English) and Roger Schmidt (Benfica Lisbon) is more confusing, the former Bayern coach and national team coach Hansi Flick seems to manifest himself in the background as a possible variant. Even more subtle is probably Stuttgart's Sebastian Hoeneß, whose recently renewed contract reportedly contains an exit clause. However, an immediate change would have a harsh Swabian flavor, but can noble morality also survive the Bavarian emergencies?

Four reasons make things so complicated for FC Bayern in the coach market. Three of them cannot be changed.

1. The trainer's expiration date is a deterrent

Pep Guardiola was the last person to stay in Munich for three full years. From 2013 to 2016, he was an eternity ago. Since then, decorated football teachers have tried their luck, starting with Carlo Ancelotti, who was happy everywhere but at Bayern. His heirs: Jupp Heynckes, Niko Kovac, Flick, Nagelsmann, Tuchel.

For someone like De Zerbi, FC Bayern would certainly be a career boost, the same can be said for Rangnick and ultimately also Emery, despite his past at Arsenal and Paris, as well as four Europe-The league is won. However, Ancelotti, Kovac, Nagelsmann and Tuchel have left or are leaving the club with their reputation definitely damaged, that is a deterrent.

2. Because they don't know what they (want) to do

The selection of candidates alone shows the dilemma: FC Bayern apparently is not entirely clear what profile and style of football the new player should bring with him. Alonso was the favorite, but he was different. Spanish Isn't the model with a thousand short passes fundamental to Nagelsmann's ideas? Doesn't De Zerbi's risky and provocative possession football contrast with the systematic counter-pressing school of thought that Rangnick once taught in the Red Bull cosmos? What tactical forms correspond to Schmidt's ball-winning football or Emery's approaches, which foresee a variable and dynamic game? What would really make Zidane stand out, apart from Aura? And what considerations did the diabolical mantra of José Mourinho fit into, who is also said to have been (temporarily) in the draw?

On another level, Bayern's conflict was illustrated by the Nagelsmann verdict. Sports director Max Eberl, representative of Uli Hoeneß, was the main promoter of the commitment. The opposition (especially, as they say, from Karl-Heinz Rummenigge) generated concerns within the club and, consequently, among Nagelsmann himself. He preferred to address the matter quickly. DFB tape.

Urgent recommendation for action, with all due respect, to the management of Säbener Straße: agree on a common denominator. Personally and football specific. “Time is running out. But we want to do it cleanly and thoroughly,” Eberl told Sky on Saturday night.

3. Now everyone is only the third or fourth option.

If Alonso was number 1 and Nagelsmann number 2, and if all these numbers can be freely read everywhere, what impression does this make on the interview requests that may arrive at Aston Villa or Brighton, Vienna, Stuttgart or somewhere else? in France? Every coach now knows that simply No Honestly, Bayern's number 1 wouldn't even be number 2.

As we have heard, a compromise in Munich would be fundamentally conceivable for Rangnick; However, he is not enthusiastic about the fact that, in case of doubt, it is only considered a compromise solution. Which doesn't make Eberl's task of finding a coach any easier in combination with his historic short stay on the Bayern bench (see above).

4. The 2025 Champions League final in Munich

Does a Champions League final in your own stadium only happen once in a lifetime? It is true in itself, but Manuel Neuer and Thomas Müller would have their second chance to triumph in front of their public in 2025.

The irony of the athlete's fate: the greatest of all games is scheduled too early for Bavaria. Because the strength and importance of the prospect of being able to reach a final again at the Allianz Arena, 13 years after the drama against Chelsea in 2012, influences every shock. At least subtly. Bayern practically cannot afford to hire an interim coach for one year until Alonso or the saintly Jürgen Klopp are available in the summer of 2025. The next decision for the training area has to be right. Now. Immediately.