BKA President Münch, Federal Interior Minister Faeser and Interior Minister Conference Chairman Stübgen at the presentation of the crime statistics in Berlin.
Image: dpa

More thefts, more violence – how can that be? Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) wants to talk about it “without shyness”. Not that easy, apparently.

bInterior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) wants to talk about foreign crime “without shyness and without resentment.” But she finds it difficult to walk the fine line between; This was shown again and again on Tuesday in Berlin. Faeser presented the new police crime statistics (PKS) there. This shows a significant increase in recorded crimes for 2023.

This increase is noticeable in three areas: violent, juvenile and foreign crime. Faeser tried to classify the latter clearly and in a differentiated manner, which, however, led to her avoiding questions asked several times by journalists present – such as the question of whether Germany had become less safe due to migration. There are no easy answers, said Faeser.