The financial assets of private households in Germany are on track to reach a new record. “Wirtschaftswoche” refers to a projection by DZ Bank, according to which the eight billion euro barrier will be surpassed this year. Experts understand financial assets as savings assets, daily and fixed-term deposits, as well as securities assets.

The report mentions DZ Bank economist Michael Stappel as expecting financial assets of around €8.4 billion, i.e. €8.4 trillion, by the end of this year. This would represent an increase of around six percent compared to the previous year, according to the report. However, Stappel expects financial asset growth to normalize to around four percent by 2025.

Germans continue to save diligently

Although the economy has long recovered from the slump caused by the coronavirus crisis, the savings rate in Germany remains high. For the current year, the DZ bank economist estimates a savings rate of 11.3 percent, only a slight decrease compared to 11.4 percent in 2023.

DAX up 8.49 percent this year

Savers are taking advantage of rising investment interest rates, which have also risen as a result of higher key interest rates. Currently, you can earn up to four percent interest on overnight money.

Those who own shares benefit even more on average. For example, the German leading index Dax will increase by 8.5 percent in the current year. International indices gained significantly more: the American technology stock market Nasdaq 100 recorded approximately double the profits.

In January 2024, the German Stock Exchange Institute (DAI) determined that around 12.3 million Germans invested money in stocks. Almost everyone sees price increases in the increasing values ​​of their portfolios.