Sven-Christian Kindler is one of the most important members of the left wing of the Green Party. After the elections he wants to free his wife from care work.

Sven Christian Kindler

Green politician Sven-Christian Kindler Photo: imago

SEDAN dpa/taz | Green politician Sven-Christian Kindler does not want to run for the Bundestag again in next year's elections. The 39-year-old justified this in a letter to the regional association of his party in Hanover, mainly due to the stress that high politics places on him as a father of two children.

“Although I often try to make time to take responsibility for my children, most of the care work was and still is with my wife,” he says. “That's not fair and I want to do better in the future.”

Kindler has been a member of the Bundestag for 15 years and is one of the most prominent members of the left wing of the Green Party. As the parliamentary group's budget spokesperson, he occupies a key position as he plays a key role in negotiating the government's budget. For him, this is “the best position in parliament, which no member of the parliamentary left of the Greens parliamentary group has held before,” he writes in his statement.

Successes as head of family

One of his greatest successes he describes as “the ban on bonuses and dividends for large companies by curbing electricity and gas prices” in 2022, which saved the State billions of euros. The traffic light managers in Parliament pushed for the decision to be approved even though they had neither the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor nor the Finance Minister on their side.

Kindler wants to remain in the Bundestag until the end of the legislature. He writes about his plans for the future: “More time for family, for football, and I want to think calmly and with some distance about what comes next. He wants to continue his experience with “people, numbers and power.” “. for social purposes and use for ecological purposes”.