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RTL quiz: Günther Jauch is furious on “Who wants to be a millionaire?”

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His son hopes for 10 percent of the winnings, the candidate revealed on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Günther Jauch found the 13-year-old's business acumen to be “cheeky”. However, the thug in the studio was even more brazen – with drastic consequences!

On Monday night, great excitement in the program “Who wants to be a millionaire?”: When Corinna Ahrens, a candidate from Peine in Lower Saxony, played, the audience provoked a scandal in the RTL quiz.

The €64,000 question was: “How far apart are the two places with the lowest and highest zip codes in Germany?” Possible answers: only about 220 km, about 480 km, about 750 km, much more than 900 km? “I'd say more than 900,” the candidate mused aloud. But the bastard warned his choice with a loud “No!”

Before Jauch could sign in, which he had actually already decided, the candidate backed out. When asked about the warning, which is prohibited by the rules, Corinna Arens claimed that she had not heard anything. Attrition was anything but quiet.

Günther Jauch “That's exactly what I wanted to avoid”

Günther Jauch complained angrily: “This is exactly what I wanted to avoid and what I asked for before.” It was the editors who announced that a replacement issue was being sought.

Meanwhile, someone in the audience called out again, “What was the right answer?” Corina Ahrens joined in, “Oh yeah! Can we find out?” Jauch had had enough and defiantly replied, “No! Jauch then revealed the solution to the canceled question: 220 km.

More important, however, was the replacement question: “What should someone benefit from, he is allowed to…” Answer options: benefit, benefit, benefit, benefit? Her husband's gut feeling as a telephone prankster would have been correct: “to benefit”. But Corinna Ahrens decided D. Thanks to the safety option, she fell relatively gently to €16,000.

It is not conceivable that the candidate would have been correct with the answer to the replacement question. Then he would have benefited from the brazen thug to the value of several thousand euros.

“Haven't you been with us before?”

Günther Jauch had to express his indignation once again on RTL's quiz night – but in a much less serious tone. Anja Frohmüller, a high school teacher in Baden-Württemberg, said her 13-year-old son prepared her for the big moment with the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” app. “I'm so slow, my little son always said: 'Mom, you only have a chance if no one knows.'” What no one here suspected: the offspring hoped for a reasonable fee for coaching.

The candidate looked familiar to Jauch. “Haven't you been with us before?” He confirmed, “We were both younger then.” In 2007, he entered the studio but failed in the selection rounds. The candidate admitted that he applied again after all this time because he was bored during the corona pandemic.

Worth 32,000 euros: “When you condemn “shrinkflation” and “simpflation”, is it mostly about clothing sizes, stock offers, packaging content, sales and VAT? The joker on the phone was in favor of packaging, but when asked he admitted that he had never heard of it. When the audience was amused by this honesty, then the candidate added a 50:50 joker.The possible answers were C and D.

“Naughty” son wants his share

He gambled and chose the “contents of the package”. Jauch continued to torture him during the commercial break. “My little son is so angry that I redid the game when it went wrong,” said Anja Frohmüller firmly. Background: He had negotiated business with his mother – more than 10 percent of the winnings. Jauch decided: “I can't support it educationally, but you have 32,000 euros!”

The 64,000-euro question: “Is a… activity lawyers Juristat, educators Pedagat, conductors Diregent, make-up artists Visagat?” The candidate had actually decided not to risk anything in the face of uncertainty, but he fell into a “gambler's flow” for the council chairman. But then he didn't risk the 32,000 euros he earned. Fortunately: he would have taken an A. But “conducting” is correct.

Kathrin Appelhoff from Hamburg earned 32,000 euros. Florian Hintermeier, cultural director of Ofterschwang in the Allgäu, can continue playing next time. Then it is about 8000 euros.

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This article, “Günther Jauch angers criminals on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'” was originally from Teleschau.

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