“It is not appropriate to talk about supporting Ukraine in the best possible way and at the same time supporting defecting Ukrainians,” he told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). “In any case, the decision to immediately pay citizen benefits to refugees from Ukraine has proven to be a fundamental mistake. The employment rate of Ukrainians is insignificant because citizens' money has become a brake on job search. “The federal government must urgently think about changing course.”

“It will not be possible to convey this to the German population for much longer.”

He joined Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU), who wants to talk about the issue at the next Conference of Interior Ministers, which will take place from Wednesday to Friday in Potsdam. “Several tens of thousands of men who are subject to conscription in Ukraine receive citizen benefits here in Germany,” Herrmann told RND. “This cannot be communicated to the German population for much longer. In any case, it cannot be that we make more efforts to support Ukraine in its defense against Russia, which I think is right, and at the same time reward it.” . someone if someone is exempt from conscription.” This is all the more true since the reintroduction of conscription is being debated in Germany itself.

There are currently about 256,000 Ukrainian men between 18 and 60 years old in Germany.

According to RND data, there are currently about 256,000 Ukrainian men between 18 and 60 years old in Germany. More recently there were just under 210,000. The Ukrainian government decided in April that they would no longer be issued passports abroad. They should be forced to register with the local army, with the risk of not being able to leave the country and, if necessary, being recruited and sent to the front.