Heat pump manufacturer Viessmann is sending some of its employees to work reduced hours at its Allendorf/Eder plant, reports Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine (HNA). Around 4,000 employees are employed in production at the site, but “not all” are affected by the measure.

Viessmann must send workers on short-time work

Short-time work begins July 1 and is scheduled until the end of August. “Other decisions regarding the use of short-time work will be made depending on the market situation. The exploitation agreement concluded offers planning security for one year,” a spokesperson explains to the HNA.

The spokesperson responded evasively to the question about the reasons for the reduction in working time. “There are some obstacles in Europe in the short term, but Viessmann Climate Solutions is fully convinced that the long-term trend towards electrification and sustainability offers an unprecedented opportunity and that we are well positioned for this growth.”

Other manufacturers also have to take action

Viessmann is not the first heat pump manufacturer to be forced to reduce the working hours of its employees. Competitors Vaillant and Stiebel Eltron have also been forced to take this step. Viessmann has also already implemented cost-saving measures.

Since the introduction of the controversial heating law, manufacturers have been struggling with falling demand for heat pumps. According to the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDHI), demand halved in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same quarter last year.