The high level of illnesses costs the German economy money, the train drivers want more and the “Die Heimat” party no longer receives money from the state.

man behind the flag

Claus Weselsky, president of the German locomotive drivers' union (GDL), demands higher wages on the Dresden railways Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

taz: Mr. Küppersbusch, what was wrong last week?

Friedrich Küppersbusch: New parties with old content.

And what improvement in this?

The other way around would be fine.

Donald Trump has won the upcoming Republican primaries. What would his renewed presidency mean?

Robert Habeck's phrase about the “servant leadership role” is already indistinguishable at first glance from the “servant leadership role.” With Trump onwards, this becomes really dangerous.

The far-right party “Die Heimat” is excluded from state funding. Will the AfD be next?

However, in the second ban procedure the NPD was pardoned as it was considered unconstitutional. Because: meaningless. This testimony: The State is feeding the viper in its chest – does not appear in the AfD because it is currently only “under observation”. And he does it very well again, because he can martyr himself against the evil State and at the same time collect a record quota of 48 percent of the state coal. Original for a party that wants to force recipients of citizen benefits to perform forced labor. Before Ms. Weidel paraded through the city park, from which it is absolutely necessary to protect the city park, a test of unconstitutionality would be necessary and then the party could be immediately banned. Safety note: Party financing is treacherous, but without it, politics can become a multi-million dollar raffle, like in the United States.

The latest strike of GDL train drivers lasts six days. Do you understand that?

I also don't understand what the railroads offer when they're not on strike: not even that. Machinist Claus Weselsky is split into two halves: the ultimate working-class hero and a populist horn-horn who shouts about “lying press” and “rivets in pinstripes.” If the railway cannot conclude collective agreements in line with the market, it is due to the company's poor results. Seen this way, we railway customers have no interest in increasing wages or reducing working hours. But nothing against it either.

According to a new study, there has been more sexual violence in Germany's Protestant Church than previously thought. Is it time to get rid of the progressive image of the Protestant church?

Live ecumenism. While before evangelists were often punished by Catholics (loss of trust, abandonment of the church), the idea prevailed that they were actually not that bad. The Evangelical Church itself believed this above all else, but now its federal structure and the democratic trust of Protestants are cited as reasons why they realized this and did nothing. Those affected demand that the churches – and their victims – no longer be abandoned to their fate. So the state. It is good to let the people enter the church.

Last year's high level of illness pushed the German economy into recession, according to a study. Do we need more AI in the workplace?

Of course, without supply chain problems, high energy prices, bad innovations and excessive dividend payments, the German economy would do just as well. The way in which a very complicated phenomenon is simply attributed to workers for the sake of safety is quite artificial stupidity. After coronavirus, people are taking respiratory illnesses and flu more seriously, and mental health problems are taking a back seat when it comes to sick leave. Logical, if you are always to blame for everything.

And what are the Borusians doing?

Running on Holocaust Remembrance Day with “we remember” on t-shirts. Then you can buy it for a good cause.

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