Two good years of war wear down the men at the front and their families at home. Zelensky's new war laws are unlikely to win approval.

Ukrainian soldiers of the 71st Jaeger Brigade fire an M101 howitzer at Russian positions on the front line.

Zelensky reduces the recruitment age of reservists from 27 to 25 years Photo: Efrem Lukatsky/ap/dpa

It was a matter of time, now the time has come: President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed several war laws that regulate mobilization again. Lowering the age limit from 27 to 25 still has comparably manageable excitement potential. The exhaustive registration of personal data of persons of military age in a state register is more serious.

It is not very clear why information about their parents is included or if those affected are asked about their trips abroad. A new medical examination of men with “limited physical conditions” is also unlikely to arouse much enthusiasm among those affected. It is clear why Zelenskyj hesitated for so long. This step is equivalent to an oath of disclosure.

Ukraine not only lacks weapons and ammunition to defend itself, much less to retake the territories occupied by Russia. Fresh forces for the army are also in short supply. Recruiting them is increasingly difficult. The willingness to volunteer for military service is declining, even if most Ukrainians still reject concessions to Russia.

In recent months there have been several demonstrations by relatives of soldiers worried about their children and completely exhausted men. These are all very clear signs of growing war fatigue. Zelensky's personal castling also shows that the pressure in the cauldron is increasing and nervousness is growing. Following the involuntary departure of the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zalushnyj, there was a change in the National Security Council.

Now they have also fired some of the president's advisors. In view of this tense situation, the mantra of kyiv's allies “as long as it takes” rings increasingly hollow. Actual support and confidence-building measures look different.