The interior decoration company TTL only seems to be having financial difficulties in Baden-Württemberg, as regional newspapers constantly report. While customers wait for partially paid goods, it appears that the Stuttgart Labor Court has received the first complaints about non-payment of wages. A spokeswoman confirmed the corresponding information in the “Heidenheimer Zeitung”.

Three employees also contacted FOCUS anonymously online, fearing possible consequences. “I received my last salary in December. Now my lawyer has advised me to stop working there and register as unemployed,” explained one of the employees. Due to high demand in retail, he now found work in a discount store. The other two cases are currently looking for work. These are two pending salaries. “I've worked hard all this time and I'm entitled to my money,” the employee said.

The police are already investigating

Several workers have been waiting for weeks and months to receive their salaries. It is unclear if they will be paid in February. As the newspaper “Heidenheimer Zeitung” reports, the Ulm police headquarters are now also investigating the case. There are complaints against a Heidenheim company and its CEO. The investigation is still in its early stages. Employees accuse the company of fraud and delaying bankruptcy. Rents have also not been paid since November. Customers should also seek legal advice as some stores have paid in advance. It is not clear whether the products will be delivered.

FOCUS online could not reach the headquarters of TTL OP GmbH by phone. So far one request has gone unanswered. However, signs of financial difficulties are increasing. According to information from FOCUS online, more and more employees are calling in sick. They are supposedly awaiting payment of salaries. Apparently, operations are paralyzed in several branches. Most branches were not available this Tuesday. Angry customers write on social media that, according to notices, the branches are closed “due to illness” or “due to technical breakdown.”

TTL is the market leader in Baden-Württemberg

According to its own data, “TTL – My Interior Decorator” is one of the market leaders in carpets, curtains, parquet floors and other floor coverings. The company employs around 400 people and is headquartered in Heidenheim.

The company's 27 branches are located in Aalen, Albstadt, Balingen, Biberach, Bruchsal, Crailsheim, Dillingen, Ellwangen, Geislingen, Göppingen, Heidenheim, Heilbronn, Kaufbeuren, Kempten, Landsberg am Lech, Memmingen, Mosbach, Neu-Ulm, Öhringen , Pfullingen. , Rastatt, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Sinsheim, Speyer, Tuttlingen, Ulm and Villingen-Schwenningen.

TTL branches and associated TTM branches in other states are not affected. General information: In 2022, the then operators separated TTL Tapeten-Teppichboden Süd mbH from the German association TTL-TTM. The Baden-Württemberg company with its 27 branches was then sold. And that's where the problems began.