Vanities, established customs and political careers must give way to prevent Trump. For US President Biden, this can only mean: he will not run.

Joe Biden adjusts his sunglasses as he walks

Ready for retirement Photo: Vannicelli Grilotti/imago

Perversely, strong Democratic forces in the United States were secretly expecting the inevitable at the beginning of the year: a presidential candidate Donald Trump. They admitted that this was the only candidate against whom the current President Joe Biden could win.

But Biden, as the anti-Trump, has so far motivated few skeptical Americans to want to vote for him in November. Since the disastrous debate, however, it has become obvious: Biden is too weak an antidote to Donald Trump's poison.

The most reactionary forces in the country are currently preparing to return the country to the level of socio-political development of the founding fathers in the shadow of a Trump presidency. He has always been conservative. Heritage Foundation has transformed itself into a fundamentalist Christian nationalist planning team and with “Project 2025” has written a plan for the fundamental restructuring of the USA. This alliance of Trump’s MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement and political thinkers from another century could take over executive power in November.

It wouldn’t help much if Democrats became the strongest force in Congress. No conspiracy story could be more beautiful. The central question, the only question that Joe Biden and his possible alternatives (Vice President Kamela Harris, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Govs. Gavin Newsom, Wes Moore, and others) must ask themselves in light of this is: Who has the chance to protect America? From one to preserve reactionary tyranny?

Kennedy's ruling is applied

On Wednesday, Biden spoke to a group of Democratic governors. He needs their support; apparently he received it. But alternatives have long been discussed. Because, as the guru of American electoral research, Nate Silver, said on Thursday, New York Times writes: “Doing nothing about Biden is the riskiest plan of all.” Nothing is riskier than letting Biden run.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Never has the well-known quote from the inaugural address of the Democratic US President Kennedy in 1961 been as crucial as it is in these days and weeks. Everyone, all the forces in the United States that determine the Democratic presidential candidate in the November elections must answer this one question. Vanity, political careers, ideological factions or established customs – everything must give way. And above all and first of all, US President Joe Biden must face this question. The answer can only be: I am not running.