TV column “Suddenly poor”: Jörg Pilawa about his poverty: “I drank a little too much during that time”

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The TV host dares to experiment: he tries to live on 18 euros a day in the coverage area of ​​Berlin. He wants to know how poor people in Germany feel. The result is a partly moving report.

Every day we read and hear about poverty in Germany. At the same time, strangely enough, people talk about great wealth, which is why many needy people come to Germany from abroad. TV presenter Jörg Pilawa, otherwise a specialist in light and entertaining matters, wants to know what it's like to be poor. “Jörg Pilawa: Suddenly poor” is the name of Saturday's 1st experimental report.

The moderator says: “It was a trip that changed my view of poverty in Germany.” And: “It was an experience that changed me.” I've reached my limits physically and emotionally.” The TV presenter dares to try: in the hotspot district of Berlin, he has to manage on 18 euros a day and meets people who don't have more than him.

Recipients of citizen support are objections? This is obviously not true

2.9 million children live in poverty in Germany. 14.2 million people in this country experience poverty. And an interesting number: apparently only 0.86 percent of people receiving community support are outright refusers. It seems there are more.

We hear: it takes four generations to get out of poverty. Like the family of 63-year-old Eveline. After the fall of the wall, she became unemployed and her husband is suffering from cancer. He has to support the family of his daughter Mandy (38). Because your child is chronically ill. The husband cannot handle four children alone.

Super Nanny, Super Jörg: “That's bullshit!”

This is not a quiz, this is not smooth entertainment. After a week of research, Pilawa sums it up: “I'm jumping in and playing super babysitter here. That's when I fell off my high horse.” Super Jörg wants sensible rules for Eveline's family, wants proper structures. “That's nonsense!” grumbles one of the children. “I don't want you to always say that,” Pilawa insists. And he demands: “Let's clean up now.” As you can see, it is badly needed.

The TV star struggles with a daily budget of just 18 euros. Even the first purchase in the supermarket costs more than 30 euros. “My mind is constantly revolving around money.” Pilawa fights not only against money, but also against his own prejudices. You can see it in his face. “I'm also going home feeling ashamed.” Before that, he has to get food from the food bank. It's a strange feeling for himself, and his bitter conclusion: “I couldn't live like this!”

TV star admits: “When my father died, I felt poor”

In a conversation with former criminal Kalle (24), Jörg Pilawa gets personal. Kalle wants to know if the TV guy was once poor. Not financially, says Pilawa. But he experienced psychological poverty at the age of 15. His father fell ill and the family took care of him for years. Young Pilawa suffered. “When my father died, I felt poor.” He says it might have been the wrong way. The only thing that happened: “I drank a little too much during that time.”