Jules van Dongen failed to impress against the United States at the PDC World Darts Championship on Thursday evening. After a mediocre match, they lost 2-4 to Portugal.

After the match, van Dongen gave a revealing interview on Viaplay. The Dutch Dragon claims that things are not going well for him on many fronts Dutch American runner, who even considered withdrawing from the World Darts Championship.

For van Dongen, who lost his Tour Card after his debut at the World Darts Championship, the season started well and he managed to get it back at Q-School. “That was nice. I knew it would be difficult to win a Tour Card after that. But after three days of Q-School I already had it. Then I had the feeling that it was going to be my year, that's how comfortable I felt.”

But after an excellent Pro Tour year in 2023, Van Dongen has suffered setback after setback this year. “In the last four months nothing of my form has been left. My technique is completely ruined. It's gone from bad to worse. I can't throw like I used to. It was a technique thing, but it's something that became mental.” “.

In the meantime, Van Dongen has had the help of several people to help him to victory. Glen Durrant is at his side and is also a mental coach. “I'm looking for a change. I now have the feeling that I normally play football with my right hand and now I have to do everything with my left hand. I draw some positive conclusions from my first collaboration with the mental coach. But I'm far from my old way.”

For this reason, Van Dongen was hesitant to participate in Frankfurt. “I've been thinking about leaving here. It's hard to be here. But you don't want to let people down either. I'm not just pitching for myself, but for my teammate (Danny Lauby Jr., editor's note) and my family and friends who bought tickets. I don't want to let them down either. I'll do my best for them.”

However, his mother was unable to travel to Frankfurt due to bad circumstances. “Actually, my mother should have been here. But unfortunately she suffers from cancer at home. So I'm doing a little for her too,” Van Dongen said.

By Nic Gayer