NAfter US presidential candidate Donald Trump relativized NATO's obligation to provide assistance, CDU defense politician Roderich Kiesewetter has spoken out in favor of tripling the Bundeswehr's special funds. “I would not rule out an increase in special funds for the Bundeswehr. It is completely clear that we need 300 billion instead of 100 billion so that the Bundeswehr can become combat-ready,” Kiesewetter told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” according to the advance report in Tuesday's edition.

However, misuse of the money to plug budget holes must be ruled out. In addition, a permanent defense budget of at least two percent of economic power must be achieved in parallel. However, this can only be achieved “with re-prioritisation and clear structural reforms”.

SPD politician Schwarz: Exclude defense from the debt brake

The SPD budget politician Andreas Schwarz told the paper that spending on defense and civil protection should be permanently excluded from the debt brake in the Basic Law because of the uncertainties in the USA and the threat from Russia. Germany urgently needs to invest in civil and disaster protection and needs much more cyber defense, bunkers, mobile operating theaters and hospital supplies.

Trump's statements are causing international criticism

Trump caused international consternation at the weekend with his announcement that he would not protect defaulting NATO allies in the event of re-election. On Saturday, Trump recounted an unspecified meeting with NATO partners at a rally in South Carolina: “One of the presidents of a major country stood up and said, 'Well, sir, if we don't pay up and we get attacked by Russia 'Then will you protect us?'”. Trump responded by saying that in this case he would not protect the country and would even encourage Russia to do “whatever they want” with him.