EA kilometer-long oil slick has been threatening the coast of Trinidad and Tobago for several days, prompting the government of the small Caribbean country to declare a state of emergency on Sunday. Prime Minister Keith Rowley said the cleanup could only begin once the situation was under control, which was not the case on Sunday. Still, hundreds of volunteers are working to contain the spread of the oil spill.

The oil spill was caused by a mysterious unflagged vessel called the Gulfstream, which capsized off the southern coast of Tobago on Wednesday and was pulled towards shore by the current. There is no sign of the ship's crew, of which only the keel is visible.

“We don't know who owns the ship.”

Apparently, he had not made an emergency call before the accident. “We don't know who owns the ship. “We have no idea where it came from and we don't know what's on the ship,” said Rowley, who did not rule out the possibility that the ship was used for “illegal operations.”

Divers discovered the name “Gulfstream” on the side of the vessel and a piece of cable, which may indicate that the vessel is being towed. The ship was originally said to be loading gravel and sand.

On Sunday, divers were unable to close the leak on the vessel that was leaking oil. The oil spill threatens not only the sensitive ecosystem but also tourism in the country of 1.4 million people. This weekend marks the start of Carnival Week, the most important season for tourism in Trinidad and Tobago.

The oil spill has affected many resorts and hotels in Tobago. Authorities have urged tourists not to bathe in contaminated areas. Residents of Lambeau Village have been advised to wear masks or relocate temporarily. Despite the emergency, a cruise ship with 3,000 passengers docked in Tobago on Sunday.