The tenth day in the jungle camp has started and the two treasure hunters Leyla Lahouar and Mike Heiter have also returned from their nightly excursion. Embarrassed, the duo admit to the other jungle camp candidates that they have already devoured their treasure hunt – a slice of pizza. But no one blames the two. Anyway, there's only one question on your mind: What happened between Leyla and Mike last night?

Jungle Camp 2024 Live – Odonkor and Lucy Tested: Today's Flash Show

“It's cute”: Leyla rages at Mike Heiter

Innocent pizza eating? Are you serious when you say that! Fabio Knez is sure that there was more going on between Leyla and Mike. “Maybe they have a little secret?” the vacuum cleaner salesman guesses the next morning and is not wrong. “For me, it could have been a kiss,” confesses treasure hunter Leyla a little later on the jungle phone. Apparently, the 27-year-old is in love with her colleague Mike. However, there is a catch. “He's really cute. But there's a big point from his side, why it doesn't work,” explains the jungle camper and reveals that he started dating Heiter's friend Eugen some time ago, which is why Mike is still hesitant.

RTL shows “I'm a Star – Get Me Out of Here” daily at 10:15 p.m. (Sunday 8:15 p.m.) and online on RTL+.

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