The far-right magazine “Compact” disappears from the station's bookstore. An interference with freedom of the press to protect freedom of the press.

A woman carries an advertising poster for Compact magazine

The Greens are enemies of the “Compact”. Querdenker uses the covers as a demo poster as here in Berlin on July 30, 2022. Photo: Stefan Bones

The self-proclaimed “voice of resistance” could become quieter. Compact, the “Magazine for Sovereignty”, had not been exhibited in the well-stocked bookstores at train stations for a long time. In many other train station magazine stores it will disappear from the shelves. The Valora company, which operates 192 points of sale, takes Compact of the program. And also the company Dr. Eckart will do it Compact We no longer sell in its more than 400 positions. This will make distribution of the magazine, which has a circulation of at least 40,000, difficult. That was necessary.

Already in 2021, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution classified the magazine around editor-in-chief Jürgen Elsässer as definitely far-right.: Compact It is the magazine for and of the entire extreme right environment. Since 2013, Elsässer, who was previously editor of young World worked, the monthly magazine. Originally, the magazine was intended to be a transversal project in which left and right could engage in a common dialogue. But “number zero” was already adorned with an image of Thilo Sarrazin, including benevolent speculation about whether he could become the “next federal chancellor.” Recently, the editorial office based in Falkensee, Brandenburg, logically considered Sahra Wagenknecht as “the best chancellor” on the cover.

Elsässer's political positions appear to be aligned with currently fluctuating right-wing resentments. Anti-Islamist hatred and racist agitation can be found alongside anti-feminist hostility and anti-Semitic associations. In the widespread view of ethnic nationalism, “the Greens” are the central enemies.

Magatún wants a regime change from the right

In the magazine, two “strong men” are always mentioned favorably: Trump and Putin. A market orientation that only follows one direction: increasingly to the right. The first colleagues of “Comrade Jürgen” stressed years ago that Elsässer had changed the revolutionary theme “proletariat” to “people.”

The editorial team does not hide that the magazine aspires to a “regime change from the right.” An advertising slogan says: “Subscribe to the revolution.” The editorial team's intention is to mobilize resistance. It was not only during the protests against government measures on the coronavirus that he hoped to make things dance. Every hostility, every attack on the parties and the press of the established system seems to feed the editorial team.

The authors and interviewees are a who's who in an environment that moves between far-right resentments and conspiracy narratives. The leader of the AfD in Thuringia, Björn Höcke, gives his opinion in detail, but not only that Compact It also offers a “Höcke Taler”. The honor is “important patriots” and is a “patriotic confession.” Price: 69.95 euros. Alice Weidel also takes place in the internal program “Compact TV”.

Just one right-wing media outlet among many

Que Valora and Dr. Eckart Compact that it is finally no longer acceptable, could be mainly due to two of the magazine's authors: Martin Sellner and Mario Müller, both from the far-right Identitario movement. Both were part of the far-right meeting in Potsdam, the content of which was made public thanks to Correctiv's investigation. Sellner spoke of “remigration”, Müller boasted that he was partly responsible for a violent attack.

Valora and Dr. Eckart explained in verbatim press releases that “press freedom would be the top priority”: “But we want those who despise the basic democratic and free order of Germany – and therefore also press freedom and freedom of expression – and aim to overcome it “don’t provide a platform.”

Interference with freedom of the press to protect freedom of the press: This is not necessarily a paradox. However, relevant publications can still be found in the station's bookstores. First. german news magazine until The curve. Nature Conservation Magazine. The company's response also reveals the scope that opens up when there is a “far-right label.” What would a nationwide rating mean for the AfD?