MacKenzie Scott is an American author and philanthropist. According to Forbes, she is one of the richest women in the world and has a fortune valued at $35 billion. She became so rich because she and her ex-husband Jeff Bezos built the world's largest online mail-order business.

MacKenzie Scott Tuttle married Jeff Bezos in 1993

MacKenzie Scott Tuttle was born on April 7, 1970 in San Francisco. Like her future husband, Jeff Bezos, she studied at Princeton University. In 1992, she met Jeff Bezos at DE Shaw & Co on New York's Wall Street. The couple married in 1993 and moved to Seattle a year later to found and build Amazon there.

Together, MacKenzie and Jeff turn a mail-order book order into the largest online mail-order company in the world. After Amazon went public in 1997, MacKenzie Bezos retired from the company's day-to-day operations. Instead, she focuses on her family and her career as an author.

Children with Jeff Bezos and Amazon come first

The Bezos couple has a total of four children: three boys and an adopted daughter. In 2005, Jeff Bezos' wife finally published her first novel. MacKenzie spent ten years writing “The Luther Albright Test.” He later admitted as much in an interview and explained the reason for the long writing process because he was taking care of his children and Amazon.

In 2019, Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos divorced. It will be the most expensive divorce in the world. Her husband gives him 25 percent of her Amazon shares, which suddenly makes her one of the richest people in the world. After her divorce, she dropped the last name Bezos and used her middle name Scott as her last name.

MacKenzie Scott donates $17 billion in just five years

MacKenzie Scott quickly establishes herself as one of the world's most generous benefactors. She joined the Giving Pledge initiative in 2019 and pledged to donate half of her fortune. Since then, she has donated approximately $17 billion to more than 1,900 nonprofit organizations. According to her own data, in 2023 alone she donated a total of two billion US dollars.

Like her ex-husband, she quickly found a new partner. She married Dan Jewett in 2021. However, the marriage did not last long. The couple divorced in 2023.

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