FFrance's President Emmanuel Macron has reiterated his call for an expansion of the European defense industry. “Everything the EU does to supply Ukraine with arms and ammunition must also serve to build up the European defense industry,” said Macron at a meeting with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Paris on Monday. “This will help us increase our production capacity and develop Europe into a defense force that complements NATO,” Macron said.

France's president also announced a new bilateral agreement between France and Poland that will include closer cooperation on nuclear energy. “This can be a stimulus for Europe,” said Macron. France and Poland were among the countries with the most comprehensive programs to build new nuclear power plants. These serve to increase energy security and achieve climate neutrality by 2050, Macon said.

Tusk wanted to travel on to Berlin in the afternoon and meet with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). At the same time, the foreign ministers of the three countries should meet near Paris to discuss aid to Ukraine and EU enlargement.