When Manuel Neuer played the first home game of the Eurocup on Friday (June 14) afternoon. german national team He played against Scotland; It was supposed to be his 120th cap. DFB-Be a t-shirt. And yet, the German national team goalkeeper showed that even an experienced player like him can make mistakes. Because Neuer suffered a nervous breakdown, something that was quite unusual for him. The focus was on Neuer's outfit, which the 38-year-old wore shortly before kick-off. of the opening game He had to change.

Manuel Neuer makes a mistake with his clothing

The situation was as follows: referee Clément Turpin, German captain Ilkay Gündoğan and his Scottish colleague Andy Robertson were already in the center circle when Neuer unexpectedly showed his clothes and ran off the field. A strange scene that did not go unnoticed by viewers. The reason for Neuer's action was an unusual error in his clothing. He was wearing a black t-shirt under his bright yellow goalkeeper jersey.

DFB goalkeeper violates official rules

Manuel Neuer thus violated official regulations. This is because they require the underwear to be the same color as the play clothes to ensure a uniform appearance. For this reason, Manuel Neuer had to take off his black shirt before the start of the match. Fortunately, a solution was quickly found: the DFB goalkeeper quickly decided not to wear a shirt under his shirt. Fortunately, Manuel Neuer's crisis was of no consequence: the incident did not cause any delay in the match and the DFB star did not let it stop him further.