• Following the theme of the video: Rental costs will continue to increase in big cities

The state development bank KfW depends on more help to create affordable and sustainable housing. The institute announced that more than ten billion euros will be allocated for this in the 2024 federal budget. This is about five billion euros more than last year.

Specifically, this is new financing for the construction of affordable housing for people who do not benefit from social housing. According to the development bank, the federal government has allocated one billion euros this year and next for this purpose.

But what financing programs are available and how do interested parties benefit? FOCUS online provides the answers.

“New climate-friendly building” (KFN)

This financing program is aimed at families and is ideal for the construction and first purchase of homes and condominiums. But those willing to build should hurry. Three points are important: obtain advice as soon as possible, then ask the construction partner to prepare the necessary documents and submit the application to KfW as soon as possible.

When does the application process begin? Applications can be submitted from mid-February.

FOCO online says: The financing program still has a limit. If the planned 750 million euros are exhausted, the request will not be approved.

Builders receive up to 150,000 euros in the form of low-interest promotional loans for their climate-friendly prefabricated house for the construction and first purchase of their own houses and condominiums. The KfW financing program is available for families with minor children below a certain income limit “Homeownership for Families” (WEF) Up to 270,000 euros in low-interest promotional loans are even available.

Applications for climate-friendly heating from February 27

The federal government has allocated six billion euros to promote climate-friendly heating. Interested parties can register on the “My KfW” portal and apply from February 27. Additionally, the “Young Buys Old” program aims to allow families to purchase existing properties.

FOCO online says: Be fast! The financing program still has a limit. For the purchase and installation of a new climate-friendly heating system, subsidies of up to 23,500 euros are available within the framework of the federal Building Energy Efficiency Program (BEG) of the KfW, depending on the amount of eligible costs.

When does the application process begin? Applications can be submitted now until February 27.

How do I also get help from the government?

Government subsidies, such as the house construction bonus or the employee savings subsidy, also support those interested in their project with financial advantages. So that more employees can benefit from the employee savings subsidy, the federal government has decided to increase the income limits. This means that more people will be able to benefit from early 2024.

Several grants can be combined together and result in significant financial relief. It is worth consulting a specialist who can help you determine financing options.

How much money do I save through grants?

With the “Climate-Friendly New Construction” program alone, families can reduce their monthly burden by up to 400 euros thanks to low-interest loans from the KfW bank, real estate advisors from the prefabricated house manufacturer Bien-Zenker calculate.