Bad Soden, Bilbao, Linz: Bibiane Schulze Solano is about to make her international debut.
Image: Picture Alliance / Press photo by Eibner

Bibiane Schulze Solano has German and Spanish roots. Being nominated for the national soccer team is a dream come true. “She contributes everything to help the team,” says national coach Hrubesch.

dhe moment Bibiane Schulze Solano discovered that she had real possibilities of realizing her greatest childhood dream was a while ago. In January, Britta Carlson, second coach of the German women's national soccer team, first contacted the Bad Soden native. Two months later, at 25 years old, she is very close to her biggest personal sporting goal.

Since Easter Monday, Schulze Solano has been preparing in Linz with the German team for the upcoming Euro Cup qualification. At the end of March, his first nomination was the big surprise when the national team announced its squad. Horst Hrubesch. The first question the interim coach had to answer concerned the newcomer. Not all media representatives present knew her until now.
