Hoping for a quieter retirement under the southern sun, a pensioner living in Germany appears to have decided to emigrate to Spain. As the pensioner stated in the Facebook group “German speakers in Andalusia and Spain”, health reasons were the decisive factor.

Pensioner wants to go to Spain and is warned

The pensioner asked for help finding an affordable two-bedroom apartment near the sea where she could live with her cat. She wants to be able to pay for the apartment with her pension. The post, which has received numerous comments, contains critical voices, warnings and also encouragement.

A man writes: “The heat in summer is unbearable (often above 40 degrees, indoors it reaches 50 degrees).” He also says that you shouldn't take the leap without a good knowledge of Spanish. Bullfighting and the attitude towards it are also “hard to bear” for animal lovers. The immigration procedures would keep him “in suspense for a year.”

“Hot is not an expression”

Another woman, who says she has 20 years of experience, encourages the retiree. “I wouldn't worry so much about the language when I'm retired,” she writes. This is not vital. Furthermore, she writes that it is supposed to be a health advantage. Without a doubt, things are better for him in the south, “where the temperatures are pleasant.”

Another man who lives in Andalusia praises life there. “It takes some time to adjust, but it works,” he says. Apartments have become expensive, but prices are “moderate” compared to NRW. He also warns about temperatures: “Heat is not an expression in summer.”

Despite all this, other people who have already emigrated to Spain warn of loneliness and economic hardship. of loneliness and financial difficulties.

More and more retirees emigrate

More and more people emigrate abroad when they are older to enjoy their retirement there. Türkiye and Poland are also popular and affordable countries for pensioners. The German-speaking population density is especially advantageous.

Or you can take a completely different step, as one retired couple decided. The two live on a cruise ship instead of in a retirement home. This is more economical for them and at the same time implies a permanent trip around the world.