VOX Cooking Show: The Perfect Dinner: The finished products pay the host Klaus valuable points

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The start of the “perfect dinner” week in Bayreuth starts with a blast defense and ends with a full house, but with a lot to grumble about. Among other things, a comfort product that is not well received in France…

This week in Bayreuth there will be no Richard Wagner Festival, but rather five host dinners. They get to know Klaus (57) today. The early-retired chemist by training does a lot of volunteer work, including volunteer firefighting. Fire prevention is of course important to him. “I can only recommend that everyone has a fire extinguisher and a fire extinguisher in the kitchen,” Klaus urges, warning of the devastating consequences of a grease fire. “So that if the pan catches fire for some reason, there would never be a temptation to put water in it. Because then there will be an explosion.”

Buddy Micha (58) has signed Klaus up for “dinner”, now he has to prepare in the kitchen and is given very clear instructions. Klaus chooses “Ti amo Bayreuth – Franco-Italian composition” as his motto because he likes the “relaxed atmosphere” of Italy. There is:

  • Appetizer: chestnut soup with fine salmon, cream cheese and crouton balls
  • Main course: Franconian beef stew with two types of dumplings and savoy cabbage vegetables
  • Dessert: Limoncello cream with freshly baked cantuccini and espresso

“Where's the Italian?” Marion (50) asks herself while reading the Franconian main course. “I hope he has a great coffee machine,” says Patrick, 38, of enjoying the aromatic caffeine. Nadine (26) describes the typical features of a Frank: “I think we are very honest guests, but still very warm and very nice and open-minded.”

Marion “would like to lick the plate”

How does the first meeting with Klaus go? “He welcomed us with open arms,” ​​Nadine is happy about the warm hug: “Everyone felt at home here.” Marion also thinks it's great: “He hugged us all straight away, I thought it was really nice!” Karsten (63) has to melt down first: “I wouldn't hug strangers in my life, but ok.”

Chestnut soup with salmon, cream cheese and crouton balls is a hit. “Tastes amazing,” says the appetizer Marion with the beloved floury chestnuts from the Christmas fair. “I'd like to lick the plate,” she pays Klaus the biggest compliment, but then thinks about her table manners. Karsten, on the other hand, doesn't like the chestnut-salmon combination: “Salmon didn't belong there.”

Purchased dumpling dough “would be a faux pas”

“It can go wrong. They can overcook, then fall apart and then they don't look nice on the plate anymore. Or they are tough,” Marion sees a certain risk with roulades. And then there is the controversial issue of potato dumplings: “Using dumplings bought for one franc would be a faux pas,” says Karsten. Klaus is still reaching for potato dough from the supermarket: “We can find it in every store in Bayreuth.”

Marion appreciates the continuity of the roulades: “They fall apart. So they are really delicious.” However, he does not forgive the purchased potato dumpling dough. Karsten agrees: “From a pack of bread… hmm… you can do it, you don't have to.” Nadine, who doesn't eat meat and thinks her cabbage roulade is very tasty, sees it the same way: “It really disappoints me that it wasn't homemade.” Only Patrick remains in a lighthearted mood: “It's not the end of the world for me.”

Not an ideal dinner – “because the potato dumpling wasn't homemade”

Limoncello cream from freshly baked cantuccini, homemade limoncello from Amalfi lemons and espresso from a fully automatic machine complete the menu. “If I was promoting espresso on the menu, I would have thought it would have been nice to have a portafilter or a great espresso machine,” Patrick criticizes the hot drink. Karsten is less picky about dessert: “The cream is great.”

For Nadine, the opening night wasn't perfect, “only because the potato dumpling wasn't homemade.” Klaus received 30 points from the visitors for a solid performance earlier in the week.

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This article “The perfect dinner: ready-to-eat meals cost host Klaus valuable points” was originally from Teleschau.

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