Pollen alert! What you should pay attention to when exercising if you are allergic – FOCUS online

A running expert reveals it: pollen alarm! Top 7 Running Training Tips for Allergies

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Runny nose, burning eyes – it's hay fever season and rarely have people been affected so early in the year. But no one has to stop running completely.

More than 15 percent of the German population suffers from allergic reactions caused by pollen, popularly known as “hay fever.” Hay fever is rarely caused by “hay,” but generally refers to an allergic reaction to a wide variety of substances. After birch, grass and rye, hazel and alder now add their pollen in February, thus beginning the most exhausting phase of the year for allergy sufferers.

What should you pay attention to when exercising with a pollen allergy?

Many patients have the question: Can I play sports despite having an allergy? After all, sometimes you breathe especially deeply when jogging. My advice: No one needs to stop running completely because of hay fever. Sport in “healthy doses” strengthens and stabilizes the immune system and psyche, which also has a positive effect on the course and severity of allergies. However, people who are allergic to pollen should keep a few things in mind., so that the reactions are not too violent. Top 7 tips:

  1. Time of the day: The best time to exercise is early in the morning or after a rain, because then the pollen concentration is slightly lower and the air is fresher.
  2. Equipment: It is also important to make sure you wear the right clothing: it is best to wear sports glasses (with side protection) and a cap when running. This prevents eye irritation and reduces the amount of pollen you bring home on your hair.
  3. Route selection: Anyone who reacts to grass pollen should not choose their route to run through flowering fields. However, a “pollen evasion maneuver” is not always easy, as some types of pollen are dispersed by the wind over several hundred kilometers.
  4. Alternative therapy: Some “natural” measures can also help: intestinal cleansing, relaxation exercises, acupunctureAutologous blood therapy and various homeopathic remedies are used with varying degrees of success.
  5. Food: A balanced diet with many vitamins, minerals and trace elements is always recommended.
  6. Medicine: Alternatively there is also one medical therapy in question. Antihistamines and, if symptoms are severe, cortisone preparations are used. However, these measures often have unpleasant side effects and should be consulted with a doctor. Additionally, many of these drugs are on the doping list.
  7. hyposensitization: A long-term way to get rid of allergy is hypo or desensitization. This gradually increases the threshold for allergic reactions and therefore promises significant improvements in various allergic diseases. Scientific studies also show that this form of therapy prevents further spread of an allergy and Prevent the development of allergic asthma. can.

Take a vacation in the mountains with pollen

There are also some valuable tips to make life with allergies at home easier: if there is a lot of pollen, keep the windows closed to prevent them from entering the apartment and avoid green plants or choose non-flowering varieties. Wash your hair regularly, preferably at night to avoid too much pollen. with me to bed gain weight.

It can also be done on vacation. go to the mountainsBecause at high altitudes the concentration of pollen is much lower: a real relaxation. Even if you can't avoid pollen completely, there are some simple steps you can take to make sure you don't stop running in the spring.

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About the expert

Dr. Stefanie Mollnhauer heads the “proformance” institute, which has successfully served amateur and competitive athletes since 1997. She has more than 15 years of experience in the field of performance diagnosis and training monitoring and has been several times German champion in long-distance running and duathlon. she writes running.de.

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